Kleine plastic flesjes krijgen statiegeld

Small plastic bottles get deposit

From 1 July, there will be a 15-cent deposit on small plastic bottles of soft drinks and water with a capacity of less than one litre. Do you own a large supermarket (200 m2) or manned petrol station along the motorway? Then you are obliged to collect empty PET bottles. Do you have a catering business? Then this is not compulsory. If you choose to do so, you may return the deposit to the consumer, but you do not have to. There will be special bags for collecting the empty bottles. You order these bags from your drinks supplier.

Source: Chamber of Commerce

Wegwerpplastic verboden

Disposable plastic banned

Disposable plastic is passé. Are you a manufacturer or importer of disposable plastic products? From 3 July, you will no longer be allowed to market a number of plastic products. Do you have a shop, wholesale or catering business and do you use or sell disposable plastic? If so, you may use up the old stock. Once the stock runs out, you have to look for alternatives such as disposables made of wood, bamboo or cardboard. Disposables partially made of plastic or bio plastic are also banned. With the new SUP (Single Use Plastics) directive, the European Union aims to reduce the plastic soup in the sea. The rules, which take effect from 3 July, are part of a package of measures that will come into force over the next few years.

The effective date of this legislative amendment is not yet definite. Entry into force of this (legislative) amendment depends on approval by the Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament or promulgation of the Order in Council (AMvB) or ministerial regulation and its publication in the Dutch Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees or the Government Gazette.

Source: Chamber of Commerce