Download the free 2024 catch-up calendar here

Plan your marketing and communication expressions with this handy catch-up calendar! Over 200 useful, important and fun days in 2024 in order in one handy document.
Download the free Excel or PDF. 

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Attentives' hook-up calendar: your guide to creative marketing moments!

Are you looking for inspiration for your marketing campaigns? Do you want to stand out with unique promotional items and corporate gifts? Then Attentives®'s catch-up calendar is your perfect tool, as it is packed with special days, events and occasions that you can use to give your marketing a fresh, original twist.

What can you do with the hook-up calendar?

Quite simply, you will find an overview of various moments throughout the year that you can capitalise on with your marketing. Think of well-known holidays, but also lesser-known days such as International Cat Day or Programmer's Day. Each of these days offers a unique opportunity to promote your brand in a creative, personal way, so that you connect with your target group at the right moments.

How does it work?

Use the calendar to plan ahead, so that it also allows you to plan your marketing activities in time. Choose the days that best suit your business and target audience, as they give you the best chance of connecting with them. Think about how to use these days for your marketing strategy, so you can come up with targeted campaigns. This can range from special offers, social media activities to tailor-made marketing materials, such as promotional items, corporate gifts, POS material and print. With our extensive product knowledge and network of suppliers, we are happy to help you find the perfect product for every moment, because with the right attention, you create the best impact.

This annual calendar is not only a source of inspiration, but also a practical tool to structure your marketing activities. By capitalising on specific days, you create relevant and timely content that resonates with your target audience, because 'good preparation is half the battle'. This helps to differentiate your brand and build a deeper connection with your customers because the execution is well thought out.

In short, the Attentives hook-up calendar from is your guide to creative and effective marketing. It's a simple and powerful way to enrich your marketing strategy and regularly highlight your brand. Take a look and get inspired! Do you have any questions or want to know more? Feel free to contact us, as we would love to help you with personal advice and inspiring ideas.

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Have a question, complaint, comment, funny anecdote or want to have a cup of coffee? Fill in the contact form and we'll get back to you rápido! #attentioniseverything