The new year symbolises a fresh start, new opportunities and gratitude for work done. More and more companies are choosing to mark this period with a thoughtful gesture to employees and relations: giving New Year gifts. But why is this trend gaining popularity and what makes a New Year's gift so special?

1. A grateful gesture for the past year

New Year gifts are a wonderful way to show your gratitude for the efforts and dedication of the past year. It is a sign of valuation which is a positive tone move for the coming year.

2. Create extra goodwill for the new year

By a attention at the beginning of the year, you create goodwill. It is a motivational gesture that shows that you are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration and that you are investing in a positive relationship.

3. Unique attention in a quiet period

Unlike the busy holiday season, where gifts sometimes lost in the crowd, a New Year's gift more on it. It is a gift that is truly appreciated and remembered because it does not go into the big pile or raffle.

4. A moment of peace and attention

Many people are absent or on holiday during the holidays. A gift in the new year provides an opportunity for everyone personal achieve, when everyone is back and resuming the daily routine.

New Year gifts are more than just a gesture; they are a sign of appreciation, motivation and a positive outlook on the future. Would you also like to make a unique and personal New Year's gift give, but you might be a bit late ordering? No worries, at Attentives we will gladly help you find a suitable and inspiring gift for January. Together, we will ensure an unforgettable start to the new year!

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